Family Sponsorships
A Family Needs Your Sponsorship Today! After working with street children in Lima, Peru for several years, we relentlessly asked ourselves the question, is there something preventive we can do, so these kids don’t end up on the streets. God demonstrated to us how to walk alongside families (mostly abandoned women with young children who live in abject poverty), and how to teach them the principles of Jesus, reaching out to their children, helping them help themselves in providing needs for their children and providing a person in North America who was willing to pray for them.

Youth Sponsorships
The youth sponsorship program rescues teens in danger by providing a safe nurturing home, education in life skills, spiritual and emotional counseling, discipleship, medical and dental attention, vocational training and an opportunity for the teen to give back by serving the needy.
After working with street children in Lima, Peru for several years, we relentlessly asked ourselves the question; “Is there something preventive we can do, so these kids don’t end up on the streets?” God demonstrated to us how giving these youth at risk the opportunity to live in a safe haven, to learn about Jesus, and by example give them the opportunity to give back to others in like conditions – not only keeps them off the streets, but is life-transforming!
Huts to Homes
The “Huts to Homes” arm of Peruvian Partners builds homes, replacing cardboard/scrap lumber houses with brick and mortar. A dream for many in this community is to have a “real” house, as they could work a lifetime and still not be able to afford a real brick and mortar home.
A solidly built house provides security, protection from the elements, mitigates the propagation of disease and gives dignity to the family. Each house with a roof, polished cement floor, tiled bathroom and kitchen, costs approximately $20,000. Price may vary some depending on foundation needs and finish work. All money given is distributed as designated.
The cement floor and foundation reduce or completely stop the escaping of toxic fumes. The “contractor” for the building of each house is a trusted and effective worker from Flores de Villa. He hires others from the community, which serves a whole other purpose — providing jobs.

“His home was simple, his story common, his family uncommon in the typical way. A multi-generational home, respectful of God’s design, loving Grandmother to grandchild… The Lord will build the house, the Lord will watch over not only Dylan’s house but all the homes of the Villa. Dylan’s house became reality, new walls, new roof, renewed hope and encouragement for multiple generations. The fruits of our labor are His to begin with, His to share, His to empower His many children. We do not need to build a city, but we must build a home. And all solid homes start with a foundation built one brick at a time, all to the Glory of God.”
Education/English Camps
Yearly, Peruvian Partners raises money for school supplies, uniforms and shoes for children who literally cannot afford a pencil. This includes evangelical and psychological outreach to local community schools. Fundraisers include raising funds for school desks, supplies, or facility upgrades. An annual English camp is also held at the local school, making our leaders aware of the community schools’ needs and helping us to raise funds for them.
The annual English camp is held every January, where over 600 children come to learn a little English and a lot about our God, who is alive, loving and at work! Also, as a result of the camp, funds are raised for facility upgrades, school desks, science lab, a new bathroom and more.
Help a child be successful!

“When our kids were still very young, our family had the opportunity to serve alongside Peruvians and other North Americans at an English camp for youth. This amazing experience turned into a yearly event as we built life-long relationships and were eye-witnesses to all that God is doing in Flores de Villa. Today, our grown children still comment that their experiences serving in Peru has given them a heart for ministry and a global vision of God.”
Ranelle & Bruce Kuehl
Early Childhood Stimulation Center
In Peru, most mothers carry their children on their backs in a wrapped blanket, limiting the child’s possibility to crawl and explore. Part of the reason is tradition, but also because many floors are made of dirt or cement, there is no safe clean place where children can explore and grow. These moms, with few positive parenting examples, need all the love, learning, exploring and playing possible to break the chains of poverty.
As we know, the early years of a child’s life are very important for later health and development. One of the main reasons is how fast the brain grows from birth and continuing into early childhood. Although the brain continues to develop and change into adulthood, the first 8 years can build a foundation for future learning, health and life success.
Therefore, a center “Playing & Learning Together” dedicated to meeting the needs of young families by providing an early childhood stimulation space for children between 1-4 yrs was opened. Nutritional meals for the children and training for the parents are provided and the emphasis is placed on the unconditional love of God.
Moms and their babies learn how to “play” together, and the importance of teaching their children bible stories at a young age. Our psychologist and specialist Claudia teaches the classes.

“We fell in love with the people in Peru while participating in the English Camp and learned there was an emerging Early Childhood Education program in Flores de Villa. Ages birth through five are the most important developmental years in a child’s life and we knew this would benefit not only the children but their parents as well. We feel God gave us a vision and we followed his lead. We worked closely with Claudia sharing “The Berry Patch” (used by our US preschool for 37+ years) philosophy and curriculum. We are honored to be a part of the Peruvian Partners ministry. It would be wonderful if you would like to gift a scholarship for a child to attend!”
Ed & Berrie Lounsberry

International Visits

Working as a team made up of Peruvian believers and our North American team, we have taken on different projects such as: carpentry work on homes, repair of termite damaged windows, doors and walls, minor electrical work, building of new walls, installing new roofs, painting homes and painting inside Casa San Juan. At the end of the busy week, we have helped host a carnival for the neighborhood. What fun it is to watch the families enjoy the carnival games and carnival food! Our favorite part of these trips is the time we have spent conversing with the Peruvian homeowners and Peruvian believers. We have learned that the Peruvian people are family loving, hard-working, gracious people. We have seen first-hand that God is alive and active in Flores de Villa. He changes lives there and brings hope to the hopeless just as He does the same in our communities. We were blessed to have been on these trips and hope to go again.
Nancy & Bob Boyer

Christmas in Peru
Yearly, Peruvian Partners has a fund-raiser for Christmas baskets for the poorest of the poor. Families look forward to receiving nonperishable food items, hygiene items and few toys for their children who otherwise would not be receiving any gifts during Christmas time. If you feel called to donate towards this cause, please do so today!

Medical Post/Fund
Because of stark health needs, after starting a Bible study and organizing Health Promoters, we set up a Medical Post to confront malnutrition and disease, to alleviate suffering and to demonstrate God’s unconditional love to the multitudes and lead people to Christ.
In 2019, we were able to transfer the administration of the Medical Clinic to all Peruvian leadership.
Currently, the medical post receives patients from an area with a concentration of 45,000 people who live in poverty or extreme poverty. Tons of garbage still exists about 1½ meter below ground and in some areas toxic gases seep through the soil. Medical needs are varied and proper diagnoses are imperative.
Elderly Bible Study & Lunch
When the girls enter the girls’ home, most think they have nothing to give. It is awesome to see them search out the abandoned elderly in the pueblo, and bring them into the fold. Many older people are lonely, scared and bored. There are weekly meetings where they share in Aymara, Quechua and Spanish their fears, concerns, joys and Biblical principles. They make new connections, share, sing and dance together.
Peruvian Partners helps the elderly with basic necessities, electrical, plumbing, food…, but always prioritizing the spiritual. The desire is that nutritious meals can be provided 4 times a month. Now, only 1 lunch is provided per month.
The girls and the elderly are built up in His name. Both realize that in Jesus life takes on other dimensions!

“On one of my earlier visits to Flores de Villa, our team was introduced to a most colorful group of elderly men and women dressed in beautiful traditional clothing and hats…it seemed that there was a very playful and competitive spirit among them vying for who was the oldest! (However, the elderly) oftentimes go days and weeks without eating a healthy meal. We learned that the girls in Casa Darling had taken it upon themselves to care for the elderly as their personal ministry in an effort to give back to their community. The Darling girls make home visits, deliver food, help with their medical needs and shower them with love! I was so overwhelmed by the girls’ love and compassion for the older people of the community. They treated each one so sweetly and gently as if he or she was their own Abuelo or Abuela! I will forever treasure that opportunity and memory!”
Susan Devine

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