Founder of Peruvian Partners & Caminemos Unidos – Executive Director
Gina Stavros
Ermajean (Gina) was born in Boise, Idaho, the 4th of 5 girls. She graduated from Walla Walla High School, Western Business University and University of Phoenix.
For as long as she can remember, she longed to know God personally, but didn’t know how. While attending Portland State University she became involved in a Campus Crusade Bible study… and has never looked back. Her relationship with Jesus quelled the deep anger and emptiness she felt and she was ecstatic to be able to share Him with others.
Since accepting Jesus as her Savior, she felt a call to international ministry, but was content to have found the love of her life in David. While he attended divinity school, she was busy starting a family (Nicole and Alex) and starting a women’s Bible study for the neighborhood for other moms with young children. They made lifelong friends during those precious 8 years.

Founder of Peruvian Partners & Caminemos Unidos
David Stavros
David was born in Washington State into a family of five boys; Dan, Don, David, Dean and Daryl. David attended high school at Newport, Oregon where he earned a football scholarship to Portland State University. After his senior year when he was the defensive captain of his football team, David was hired as an assistant coach at Portland State. He was married to Ermajean (Gina) Cross in June of 1974. When they discovered that Stavros meant Cross in Greek, they knew for sure that they were made one for the other. In January 1975, David and Gina moved to Eugene, Oregon where David earned a Masters of Science and worked as a Graduate Assistant in the football program at the University of Oregon. After 4 seasons in major college football, David and Gina accepted a call to be the Youth Pastor at Wayzata Free Church in Minnesota. During the 8 years at Wayzata, Gina helped David earn his second Masters degree, the Master of Divinity from Bethel Seminary. David maintains that if he worked so Gina could go to graduate school, they would be much further ahead in life!
To address the intolerable physical needs of this family of friends, the non-profit, Peruvian Partners was born. However, they are always cognizant that a person’s circumstances can change, but without a new heart, there is no real lasting joy.
One of the great honors and joys of my life is to be able to pass on ministry leadership to Peruvians. (1 Timothy 2:2)

Married 1974
David and Gina’s two children, Nicole and Drew (Alex), were born in Minnesota. In December 1986 David and Gina packed-up Nicole and Alex and accepted a call to lead a church planting team in an upper middle class community in Lima, Perú. After the church was planted they accepted a call to work with Peruvian professionals, business leaders and elected officials with the National Prayer Breakfast movement. While working with street children on the weekends, David and Gina realized that their heart was in working with the disadvantaged. So they adopted a squatter community located on a landfill and garbage dump in the southern cone of Lima, called, Flores de Villa. A large family of friends in Jesus has grown in this community. To address the intolerable needs of this family of friends, the non-profit, Peruvian Partners was born.

first medical bus

Program Manager
Susan Johnson
Susan was first introduced to Flores de Villa in 2003 when a group of families and youth participated in a visit to Flores de Villa. The experience could not have been better, and it had a meaningful impact on her life. Susan’s love for the people and culture has continued to grow. As a leader of English Camp for several years, she has been able to stay connected and build relationships, which has been a blessing in her life.
Susan shared what she most loves about Peruvian Partners:
“Being involved with Peruvian Partners has been a huge part of my life over the years. I am drawn to the holistic way that the ministry meets the various needs of the community in the name of Jesus. I love that they have invited North Americans to be a part of it and develop lifelong friendships through the partnership.”
Most of Susan’s career has focused on administrative roles, supporting leaders, and enhancing programs to bring about good outcomes through strong communication, organization, and project management. Susan looks forward to using these skills to continue to serve and grow the ministry of Peruvian Partners through donor relations, marketing initiatives, international visits, and more.
Susan has lived in North Minneapolis for 10 years and enjoys walking her dog Millie in nearby parks. Spending time playing pickleball with friends is a weekly highlight. Susan loves to travel and is fortunate her kids live in fun places. Her oldest daughter Brittany has lived in NYC for 2 years and always enjoys visitors. Molly and Jordan are in Atlanta and just bought their first home. They welcome a visit from mom who loves to help with various house projects.
President of Caminemos Unidos (Peruvian Partners in Peru)
Director of Children’s Ministry
Yasmina Santos
If someone were to ask me today, how do I know if God is real?… I could answer that question easily. It is because He is alive in my heart. He has totally completely transformed my life from the inside out. I know He is real because I feel Him work in my life every day! The sad, dejected, cry-baby I once was is now an empowered, happy warrior for Jesus! I have a beautiful daughter and my husband Jose leads the men’s Bible study groups.
My favorite verse is Philippians 3:12. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.
Casa San Juan Live-in Mentor
Jorge Luis Oliva
I arrived at the medical post in Flores de Villa in 2011, at the lowest time in my life. I didn’t want to continue living. I ended up spending that afternoon in Casa San Juan. And that day began a radical change in my life. I learned that an amputated leg, sickness, depression, no problem or worry should be put before God. He is bigger! As it says in Matthew 22:29: “Jesus replied, “Your mistake is that you don’t know the Scriptures, and you don’t know the power of God.” I ended up participating in Bible studies and eventually moving into Casa San Juan where I spent several transformative years learning about the “power of God” to work in my life. I am an electrician and a jack of all trades. Today I have the honor of mentoring the guys in Casa San Juan.
Mentor Casa San Juan, Librarian
Vitols Palacios Rosas
My mother’s participation in a prayer group was a turning point in my life. She had suffered from severe depression, and I witnessed the change in her life. I began attending the Bible study groups when I was a child. And there I met Jesus. He showed me His grace and mercy in difficult and victorious moments of my life. I am deeply grateful for everything my Lord has given me and I am committed to continue His work in my community, giving testimony of God’s grace (Acts 20:24). I firmly believe in the transforming power of a home where Christ is present, and my greatest aspiration is to see changed lives and wonderful fruits in my community. My personal goal is found in Psalm 27:4 “One thing have I asked of the Lord, one thing have I desired: to appear in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to worship Him in His temple and to contemplate His beauty.” I am now a mentor at Casa San Juan.
Casa Darling & Casa America Live-in Mentor
Vivian Picuhuri
Since I was a child, my refuge were the Bible clubs. Those days were the best, because I felt peace and joy when I went. Well, I grew up… and God had a great plan for me. I moved into the Darling House and while there accepted God and grew in Him. I studied, I gained more knowledge and I also learned from my mistakes.
For a long time, I have had the joy of leading groups of girls, where I have managed to develop little by little. Seeing my change from almost 6 years ago and now, I have learned to communicate the word of God to other people effectively. Oh, there is so much more to learn! I am happily married to Jimmy. With God’s help, I have discovered my gifts are to help, listen and encourage others. I studied interior design and have enjoyed designing and implementing the finishing touches on the new girls’ home! My favorite verse is Romans 12:1-2.
Mentor Casa Darling
Mayli Santillán Espíritu
I had a difficult childhood and adolescence, but I feel that God was always present and has always been calling me. Since I was little, I liked going to the Children’s Bible groups. I was drawn to the things they did and the stories of Jesus. When I was older, a friend invited me to the youth group. In mid-2017, I was given the opportunity to enter the Darling House. At first, I accepted because I wanted to escape from my family and be able to study. Then I fell in love with the Word and was amazed at the love that God showed me. As time went on, I was part of the leadership of several groups. I love to serve and talk about God and how He has changed and changes my life. I am now a graduate of Casa Darling, I am a Cosmetologist and also help in mentoring the girls in the Darling House. The verses that has always accompanied me since I started was Psalm 23 and the story that always inspires me is that of Job.
Caregiver, Social Assistant & Bible Study Leader
Rossana Durand
I lived with 3 little children in a tiny dark space in Flores de Villa, while my husband worked all day. I felt a loneliness and an emptiness that was unbearable. But one afternoon, a neighbor invited me to a prayer group. I did not know what to do, my heart was invaded with fear. I knew there was a God, but what I did not know was that God was about to change my life forever. I met several followers of Jesus, who had different stories but all had the same purpose which was Give your life to Christ and walk hand in hand with Him. After I began to participate, my heart and my life began to take a new course. Now I was no longer alone, I had sisters in Christ. God began molding me, helping me learn from my mistakes, to overcome my fears and to give control of my life to Him. It was an amazing transition, time passed and I was no longer the same Rossana. I began to recognize God’s purpose was to help people who were going through the same thing I had. That is what I love doing today.
It is a long road, but I am in no rush, because I am accompanied by Jesus, with patience and persistence. My favorite verse is Philippians 4:6-7.
Caregiver, Social Assistant & Bible Study Leader
Silvia Crisanto
I was a health promoter when I went to the first Bible study in Flores de Villa many years ago. I had never studied, or even read, the Bible before that. During that year, God filled me with a joy, peace and love through His Word that is inexplainable. Because He first loved me, I can love others. It has been the greatest pleasure to be able to serve Him and others through the years! I have 3 grown children and a husband, Santos, who is just as committed as I am! I love to laugh, cook and help others.
Psychologist & Director of Early Childhood ministry
Claudia Cordova
God came into my life at the perfect time, while attending the women’s Bible study with my mother. The more I know him, the more I love Him. Situations pass in my life that teach me to trust Him more and more. Proof of this is having my daughter in my arms. After having a diagnosis of infertility, my Beloved God showed me that nothing is impossible for Him and that He knows the desires of our heart.
I am a licensed dedicated psychologist and teacher. My relationship with Jesus has made me so much more helpful and effective. I am married to an Angel of a man and have a miracle baby!
I encourage you to get to know Jesus and experience this immense love that only God has for us.
Bible Study Leader
John Crispin Vega
Upon finishing high school. I worked a lot. After a work-related accident, at the age of 19, I felt dejected, sad, tired and could not find a purpose to my life, until I was invited to a young men’s prayer group in my community. At first, I was hesitant to attend, but then I accepted the invitation and discovered a great group of friends, from there I began to find a purpose in my life. I remember this verse in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future full of hope. I, the Lord, confirm this.” Subsequently, I lived in the San Juan house where little by little I got to know Jesus better and learned about his love, grace and mercy. I made mistakes along the way, but his grace was greater than my sins, I gave him my heart and now I walk with him. I currently work as an administrator in a local company and also do leadership training and discipleship in our community of believers. I enjoy serving God and my neighbor.
Board of Directors
The Peruvian Partners board of directors was established to provide guidance and support. The members of the board serve the non–profit ministry with their time and talents. We are so thankful for the solid foundation they have provided and the foresight they offer for the future.
The members of the board focus on the high-level strategy, oversight, and accountability of the organization.
Board of Directors
If you have any question you would like to direct to the board, please contact our Board Chair, Alex Stavros.